Reformed Church
In Service to the Risen Christ Since 1832

Join Us in Worship During Holy Week
Blawenburg Reformed Church
424 Route 518, Skillman, NJ 08558
Easter Sunday ~ April 9 ~ 10am
Join us in our historic sanctuary for a traditional Easter service as we celebrate Christ's resurrection.
You may also follow the service on:
Facebook live: @blawenburgchurch
~ Music by the Blawenburg Church Choir
~ Children's message
~ Easter egg hunt and refreshments following worship
Questions? (609) 466-1832 or office@blawenburgchurch.org
Palm Sunday ~ April 2 ~ 10am
Follow Jesus Christ as he enters Jerusalem... a service complete with palm branches to wave.
Maundy Thursday ~ April 6 ~ 6pm
Join us in commemorating Christ's last supper where he commanded his disciples to "love one another as I have loved you." A communion service will be followed by a soup and salad dinner.
Good Friday ~ April 7 ~ 8am to 8pm
Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion and death of Christ. The sanctuary will be open all day for personal mediation and prayer.