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We make a concerted effort to communicate with our members and the community.  See the publications we produce below.

Sermon Podcasts

Sermons are recorded each week and published on Podbean.  Click on the link to hear sermons.

Weekly eNews

The eNews is published each Friday to provide information about the church and upcoming events, including the scripture for the following Sunday.  See a sample and sign up to get your copy each week by email by clicking the "Get the eNews" button

The Beacon -- Newsletter

The Beacon is the church newsletter that is published three times during the year in September, January, and April.  The most recent Beacon and an archive of past publications can be found at its link.

Consistory Highlights

Learn about recent and past decisions of the Consistory.


Find information and comments about the church at our Facebook site or view the worship services on Facebook Live.

YouTube Channel

This channel hosts videos released by the congregation of the Blawenburg Reformed Church. It was created by Pastor Jeff Knol in 2020. 

Prayer Corner

This is a blog-style publication with information about prayer as well as prayers for you to use.

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