Reformed Church
In Service to the Risen Christ Since 1832

We may not have our traditional Sinterklaas this year, but we have some traditional Sinterklaas products to boost your Christmas spirit – soup, apple cake, honey, and crafts.
Here’s how you can order products online from December 1 - 10.
1. Click the ORDER button to go to the product page.
2. Select the products you would like to buy.
3. Type your name, email address, and phone number on the form at the bottom of the page.
4. Click the SUBMIT button to place the order.
5. Pick up orders - Cook Hall on Saturday, December 12 from 10am to Noon.
Call when you arrive: (609) 731- 6701 or (609) 558-4471
6. Payment - by check or cash at pickup.
Product Previews
Soup: Pints and Quarts listed on Order page.
Dutch Apple Cake: Order and we'll make your cake just before the December 12 pickup date.
Honey: NJ Honey in pints and quarts.
Crafts: See the crafts below and order by letter on the order form