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We commit our gifts to WORSHIP, gathering as a community

to celebrate God’s presence among us!

A Typical Worship Service


Our service begins with a welcome from our pastor followed by a music prelude. The service then unfolds according to a liturgy, which changes from season to season according to the church calendar. We typically use the Lord’s Prayer and the Apostles’ Creed in our services. Each week the details for the service are printed in a paper bulletin. For an example, download a Bulletin below.


Scripture and Sermons


Scripture is at the core of our Reformed Church identity. Many elements of our services including our songs and prayers draw from scripture passages. Each week our preacher reads a particular passage of scripture and offers a sermon, which arises from that passage. The scripture and sermon make up the center piece of a typical worship service at our church.  


Download a sample Bulletin to see the Order of Worship.   



Children’s Message, Nursery, and Sunday School


Children of all ages are welcome to participate in our worship services. Each week the pastor or a lay leader offers a children’s message during the service. We also provide nursery care during worship. Visiting families can ask an usher to help them find their way to the nursery, which is located in the East end of Cook Hall. Following worship, we have an active Sunday school program for children three to twelve years of age.

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Much of our service music is played on our wonderful organ. The instrument is well suited to our historic sanctuary and is played masterfully by our music director and organist Kathleen Connolly. Our congregation sings hymns from the Presbyterian, Methodist, and Baptist traditions along with African American spirituals and contemporary Christian songs. While most of our music is led by our organist, musicians from the congregation also occasionally help lead music on guitars, piano, bells, and other instruments.



The Blawenburg Choir offers their musical gifts in worship services during the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter. The choir is always open to welcoming new voices. During the months when the Blawenburg Choir is off duty our Celebration Singers help lead a song on the last Sunday of the month. This group is open to people of all ages and musical abilities. For more information about our choirs please reach out to our Music Director and organist Kathleen Connolly at


Communion Sundays


We typically celebrate communion, also called The Lord’s Supper, on the first Sunday of the month. This ritual meal of bread and grape juice, represents the sacrifice and the new life given by Jesus Christ for us and for the world. If you join us on a communion Sunday you will be welcome to take part in communion if you choose. All are welcome at the table.  

Coffee Hour


Immediately following our Sunday morning worship services we enjoy a time of refreshment and fellowship during our coffee hour. We gather in Fellowship Hall in the lower level of our Cook Hall building, which is across the parking lot directly behind the sanctuary. Typically we enjoy coffee, fruit, and snacks during this time of fellowship. There is an elevator to help with access to Fellowship Hall.  

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